Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy is a procedure used to remove heavy metals (including lead, mercury, cadmium and others) from the body.
Cancer treatments come in many forms, with Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Radiotherapy being the most widely used. The medical practitioner often chooses a combination of these therapies based on the patient’s individual needs and condition.
In addition to these treatments, chelation therapy is an effective option for removing harmful metals, such as mercury, arsenic, or lead, from the body of cancer patients. These heavy metals are known to be toxic and can be life-threatening to the patient. Chelation therapy works by injecting a synthetic solution into the body, which helps to flush out the metals through urination. The solution is made up of a mixture of nutritional supplements and chemicals.
Causes of Cancer
There are many causes of cancer. Age, habits such as smoking and drinking, family cancer history, a harmful environment, wrong diet and exercise regimen, and an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle may be risk factors for cancer.
In our daily lives, harmful metals can accumulate in our bodies and cause permanent damage if we do not remove them. Sometimes, our natural excretory system fails to flush these metals out. Large quantities of metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, uranium, and cadmium can harm us greatly.
Heavy metal poisoning can be fatal too. People can imbibe these metals through vaccines, processed food, toxic water, metal-laced ointments or salves, and more. The primary harm of this is the deregulation and suppression of the immune system. Low immunity can lead to the body getting infected by some illnesses easily, and the treatment of these illnesses may not be as effective as it should be as the immune system has a reduced function.
So, the solution lies in removing these harm-causing metals from the body. Chelation therapy can be of help in cases of metal poisoning. In doing so, the body's immunity can improve, and it can fend off any attack of infections from viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens more vigorously.
How Does Chelation Therapy Work?
The treatment plan for Chelation Therapy is to attach specific drugs called chelators to the metals in the human body. These chelators have the property of binding to the metal. A few examples of chelators are dimercaprol, deferoxamine, succimer, edetate calcium disodium, and penicillamine. The medical practitioners will choose the chelators depending on what metal is causing the problem.
During the therapy, these drugs get induced into the body via an intravenous tube or pill form. On administration, the drug attaches itself to the metals present in the blood and forms a stable compound. This combination then gets filtered out through the kidney function and gets expelled during urination. The amount of time taken to remove the metals from the body on the type of metal poisoning and the treatment process. The body gets cleansed of the metal poisoning, which has acted as an impediment to its immune system.
After the unwanted metals get removed, the immune system starts rebuilding itself and becomes strong enough to fight off infection. The process involves administering intravenous injections over several weeks to produce the desired effect and cure the body of metal poisoning completely. The doctors will advise some dietary changes during the process, which helps remove the metal from the body and to avoid further exposure.
Cautions to Use Chelation Therapy
Expert training is crucial for doctors who perform chelation therapy, as the treatment can be dangerous if not done correctly. Additionally, this therapy may have various side effects, which is why the doctor must conduct all necessary tests before starting the treatment and continuously monitor the patient during and after the process to avoid any complications. It is important to administer the appropriate dose of the treatment drug.
Chelators have the ability to bind to metals. When used for metal poisoning, these drugs can attach to both unwanted and essential metals in the body and remove them. However, this process can cause a deficiency of essential metals in the body, leading to other disorders. In these cases, the doctor must carefully monitor the patient and replenish the essential metals through diet or other means to maintain a proper balance of metals in the body.
Benefits of Chelation Therapy
Chelation therapy may not yet be proven successful in metal poisoning treatment in some situations. Indeed, it is considered to be safe, effective and well-tolerated in many other situations too. One of the advantages is it is non-invasive and helps the body get rid of metal poisoning and protects the body from its harmful effects.
The therapy protects the organs from the harmful effects due to metal deposition. Yes, a few doctors who practice alternative medicine may use this therapy to treat disorders such as autism, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and so on. The success of chelation therapy is not yet proven for treating these disorders, so not many medical practitioners advise patients to undergo it to treat them now.
Chelation Therapy Side Effects
This treatment can cause some side effects, but they can get managed by giving the appropriate treatment on time. Undergoing chelation therapy only under medical supervision is always advisable to avoid all its side effects. And if the process fails due to using over-the-counter medicine, it can become fatal.
The common side effects can be tingling or burning at the injection site, headache, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. But there can be some critical side effects like seizures, respiratory failure, drop in blood pressure, allergic reaction, reduced heartbeat, and many more. Yes, in some rare cases, the therapy can turn out to be fatal or cause a permanent disorder in the body.
Also, pregnant ladies, people with kidney disorders and children are advised against using chelation therapy.
To avoid any complications, when you are diagnosed with metal toxicity, it is advisable to contact a trained medical practitioner to use chelation therapy for its treatment and undergo it under their guidance.
At Veritalife, we have expertise in delivering chelation therapy in a safe and targeted way. Contact us for more information.