Initial contact
Using the contact form on our website, you can send us a detailed enquiry about your conditions. One of our experienced Patient Representatives will get in touch with you to explain our treatments further and answer your initial questions. They will also ask for your medical history and collect reports from you should you be interested in moving to the next step of having a consultation with our doctor.
Free consultation with our doctors
Our doctors will review your medical reports and medical history prior to your appointment. The consultation can take place via Skype, Zoom, or we can telephone you. During the consultation, our doctor may ask you further about your current conditions and discuss your case, circumstances and treatment options in detail. There is no charge for either the record review or doctor’s consultation.
If you decide to have treatment, the third step will be preparing for your travel to our clinic. Your Patient Representative will go through with you and help you in every step of the way. Once you are in Thailand, our doctors together with the team of highly skilled nurses, nutritionist, counsellor, and Customer Service will ensure you have the best possible care.
Upon departure, after having received the in-clinic treatment, you will be provided with a HomeCare Packs. They are customised to individually target your cancer and conditions and contain drugs and pharmaceutical grade compounds in specific doses, carefully controlled to give the greatest and safest results. Our Patient Representatives will also be in touch with you regularly to check on your condition and progress.