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Lymphatic Therapy

Welcome to the world of lymphatic therapy, a holistic approach to wellness that focuses on improving the function of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body by eliminating waste and toxins, fighting infections, and supporting the immune system.


The Verita Life offer of Lymphatic Therapy as part of its comprehensive program aims to stimulate the immune system and restore optimal flow to the lymph nodes.

The therapy involves lymphatic drainage of body fluids allowing the movement of deep lymphatic channels, unlike traditional forms of superficial lymphatic massage and compression.


Patients who suffer from Lymphedema secondary to cancer, post-op complications (post lymph node dissection), chemotherapy, radiation, trauma, or chronic illnesses (asthma)- benefit immensely from Lymphatic Therapy.


We have seen remarkable success using this therapy alongside Immunotherapy, a treatment that helps the immune system fight cancer, and Cancer-Fighting protocols. Our state-of-the-art cancer-fighting regimen is part of a tailored and dynamic anti-cancer approach that has helped reduce the symptoms of cancer care in a safe and welcoming environment.


What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is an interconnected network of tissues and organs that work to eliminate toxic and unwanted materials from the body. Its primary function is to facilitate the migration of lymph, a fluid containing fighter and killer cells, throughout the body. Lymphatic vessels could become congested when the body sustains an injury, blood clots, or misuse. A fluid accumulation in the lymphatic vessels after the surgical removal of lymph nodes can also cause congestion. This condition is what we call Lymphedema.


What is Lymphedema?

Lymphoderma refers to tissue swelling caused by an accumulation of protein-rich fluid that usually affects the chest wall, neck, abdomen, and genitals too.



The following symptoms are noticed in lymphodema:

  • Swelling in arms and legs

  • Restricted range of motion

  • A feeling of tightness or heaviness

  • Recurring infections

  • Hardening of the skin – fibrosis


Lymphedema can occur in areas in proximity to the surgical site. Your surgeon may then recommend a lymphatic drainage massage if your surgery involves your lymph nodes. It is always advisable to seek the services of a trained and certified masseuse or a physical therapist to perform lymphatic therapy.


However, medical professionals advise people suffering from the following conditions against lymphatic massage:

  • History of blood clots and stroke

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Liver problems

  • Kidney problems

  • Current infections


Causes of Lymphedema

Cancer, radiation treatment for cancer, surgery, and parasites are some causes of Lymphodema. Other risk factors for Lymphodema can be old age, obesity, and rheumatoid arthritis. Due to these reasons, the lymph vessels become weak and unable to drain the lymph fluids adequately. They can result in a fluid build-up in the body, leading to
Lymphedema. This condition is painful, causes heaviness, and brings discomfort to the affected area. There are different stages in this disorder. When it reaches stage 3, it can be devastating and cause a lack of mobility; and significant depression. It can then complicate healing. Lymphatic therapy, a technique used to reduce Lymphedema, can bring some relief

Symptoms of lymphodema can range from mild to severe. Cancer treatment-induced lymphodema may not occur until months or years after treatment.


When to see a doctor

If you notice persistent swelling in your arm or leg, fix an appointment with a doctor.

If already diagnosed with lymphedema, see your doctor if there is a sudden increase or change in the symptoms.


The technique of Lymphatic therapy

Lymphatic therapy is a massage technique applied to clear congestion, Lymphedema, or other fluid build-ups from the lymphatic vessels. The treatment technique is also called Lymphatic Drainage Therapy or Deep Lymphatic Therapy. The focus of this specialized approach is on the lymphatic system. The massage aims to help the body maintain proper blood circulation, body fluid balance, and immune functions Lymphedema therapy involves the use of gentle pressure to remove accumulated waste fluids in the affected area. The therapist may also massage other parts of the body to properly drain fluids. While using a compression sleeve can
help prevent fluid build-up to some degree, professionals recommend seeking therapy for optimal relief from Lymphedema.


Clearing and reabsorption

There are two stages of lymphatic massage- clearing and reabsorption. The clearing process involves giving gentle pressure to the affected area, thus creating a vacuum. Reabsorption is the subsequent process that helps establish a flushing effect and prepares the spot to bring in more fluid.


Clearing guidelines

The clearing is the first stage of lymphatic therapy.


The Lymphedema clearing process involves working on specific areas of the body, such as the supraclavicular lymph area under the collarbone and the axillary lymph area under the arms and inside the elbows.


The process can be repeated multiple times a day, and it is recommended to massage both sides of the body, not just the affected side.

The focus of the massage is on the superficial skin structure where fluid tends to get trapped.


Gentle pressure is applied during the therapy for best results.


It is important to follow specific guidelines when performing the lymphedema-clearing process, which can be done by the individual or with the guidance of a professional. The process includes several stages, starting with the supraclavicular area, followed by the axillary area, and ending with the inner elbow area. This sequence ensures that the lymphatic system is cleared and fluid is able to drain properly. After massaging the upper body, the legs should be worked on starting with the area farthest from the affected area and working down from the upper leg to the knee and ankle. Gentle pressure is applied to stretch the skin from the leg towards the hip to open up the lymphatic vessels and allow excess fluid to drain into the lymph nodes in the groin area.

Massaging the upper body and the legs completes the clearing process.


Reabsorption guidelines

It is the second stage of lymphatic therapy. In this process, there are different steps involved.


You begin with the farthest point of the affected area. After gently massaging the upper part of the body, move from the far-off point toward it, with a sweeping motion and put enough pressure to shift the skin’s surface. Then apply this therapy to the legs. It starts with giving a pumping motion behind the knee. It creates a passage to move the fluid from the lower part of the leg up to the knee. Then moving to the lower leg part, stretch the skin with an upward motion and then release it. The movement continues from the knee to the ankle and then the feet, and the process ends by massaging the toes gently, consequently pushing the fluid upwards.


Measuring the effectiveness of the massage

If you regularly perform the lymphatic massage, your Lymphedema should not worsen. It is essential to keep yourself well-hydrated. You can do this by drinking an ample amount of water. It helps flush out the waste materials from the tissues and body.


You ought to opt for a massage or any therapy from a certified therapist to get the best results.

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