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Diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer in 2018, Conne, 75 was given no options of treatment in her home country of the USA, due to a serious hearing problem.

Seeking alternatives, Conne came across Verita Life clinics and soon after travelled to Mexico to undertake a 4-week programmeme, which included IPT or low dose chemotherapy, Local Hyperthermia, Dendritic cells and Natural Killer (NK) Cell Vaccines.

Conne also noted the convenience of the clinic to her hotel, the assistance she received from staff and how safe she felt in the location.

Conne’s Results

The most impressive feature however were the results of Conne’s ultrasound scan, which showed a decrease in her tumour size so dramatic, it could no longer be located.

“I couldn’t believe it. It was a miracle!” she says.

Conne will continue with her at-home programmeme and continue to monitor her diet and overall wellbeing.

"I went to the University of Penyslvania, Sloan Kettering and John Hopkins and basically they told me – see you!”.

Conne’s Story

Bladder Cancer

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